Thursday, June 12, 2014

Little Help?

I really don't know how to jump into this so I guess I just will. I try not to bother people with my problems, but sometimes even I need a little help.  I made a decision which has potentially good or negative ramifications I now I'm committed to a course of action. I have been asked to post about it since word has spread, so here goes:

Father's Day is coming this Sunday and I have decided to go to church services where my prodigal daughter is the copastor. I told her about this last Saturday but she hasn't responded so I don't know if she's aware that I'm coming or not. My religious beliefs are complicated but I do have some that I share with her. One is that "whenever two or more if you were gathered there I am".  So we will see if her anger will melt when we are face-to-face in His presence.

What I'm asking is something I dislike to ask for,  some assistance.  I vent and whine and grumble from time time about my broken health, but that's just fussing and fuming. I did ask for prayers for my son-in-law when we discovered he had cancer. By the way, he has  finished radiation therapy and been tested to see how effective the results were. We'll know more tomorrow.

So once again I ask you all for prayers if you believe in prayer and good thoughts if you don't. Not for me. But for my daughter. Pray that your heart will let go of her anger and resentments of her stepfamily and will open up the love I have for her and my grandchildren.

And while I'm at it, I just learned today that my grandson is going on his first deployment. To Afghanistan.  

It seems a strange to me the two of my grandsons have chosen to enter professions which put them in harm's way as a matter of course for their jobs.  So please don't hesitate to include them in your prayers and good wishes.

Good thoughts only please!  There's already too much hurt and suffering involved.