Hey Bobby. Why make a Facebook post that you won't notice? I'll just text you. I'm really worn out today, of course, because I have to pay for everything I do but the price is small compared to the benefits. I'm still feeling really happy and steady. Being with people makes life so much more endurable. Not to mention I had a really great time with all the discussions we had -- some really interesting stuff came through. Katy is really interesting I like her.
Glad you brought her. Yesterday was specially great because James stopped by and spent time with us.
You said I should let you know if any interesting anime came by here are a few, none of them deep and serious but I do find them fun. They're all on Netflix.
NeoyokioStrange look at a future? alternate? world. In spite of its seemingly silly storyline it is really a social commentary and it can be quite biting here and there. If you like it you'll love it, if you don't, you will find it really weird.
SaikiK. This one's fun but it's also a little odd. It's subtitled and everyone in it talks so fast sometimes I have to rewind in order to read the subtitles. But I enjoy it. What if you had superpowers, hated that fact, just wanted to be a reclusive loner but the world seems to keep conspiring to out you and force you to be involved with people?
Agretsuko. I told you about this one, not fluff but not serious either. I just find it a lot of fun. Slice of life for a red panda salary slave.
Violet Evergarden. This one is really good. The storyline gets serious here and there but it's a much more interesting as a view of an alternative world with some deep emotional context.
Children of the Whales. Interesting story with interesting characters. Creates a strange alternate world. Awfully violent. But still I found the story intriguing.
Fate Zero. Very popular and with good reason. No depth, no great meaning, but an interesting storyline. Any exposition would be a real spoiler. However, for what it's worth, extremely popular. But then again so are Dragon Ball Z and One Piece and a lot of other animes I simply cannot stand.
Saw an interesting show on Ayn Rand. I know you remember her. Who could forget the mighty rallying cry of her adoring cult members , "Eine volk! Eine reich! Ayn Rand!"
I enjoyed this video from C-SPAN:
And here's a quote from one website that I found very telling:
>She allowed him to run the Nathaniel Branden Institute, a small society dedicated to promoting Objectivism through lectures, therapy sessions, and social activities. The courses, he later wrote, began with the premises that “Ayn Rand is the greatest human being who has ever lived” and “Atlas Shrugged is the greatest human achievement in the history of the world.” <
How very individualistic. How very non-collective. I mean how very mind controlling and cult of the personality.
I'm really worn out I think I'm going to go back to sleep. I slept really well last night but I'm still tired. I'll probably post this on my blog because it's got some interesting points. I do so little posting these days it won't hurt.
I'm glad you're my friend and I appreciate your being here for me in this very difficult time.