Monday, February 1, 2021

In The Absence Of Clarity

 From Wiktionary:

After Banquo in Shakespeare's Macbeth (1606); Macbeth murders Banquo, whose mutilated body subsequently appears at a feast as a ghost, unseen by all but Macbeth.

(idiomatic) A presence that mars one's enjoyment by causing guilt or reviving unwelcome memories.

 Banquo’s Banquet

Who is Banquo?

And where the feast?

Am I to haunt or eat?

Invited here…

Or exorcised

The matter is not clear.

It may be both

I am confused

But I am not alone.

The Prematurely Oblong Mouth


Prematurely Edgar

I have no mouth

But I must scream

The sci-fi author said

You have sewn shut

That orifice

And left me without words

You’ve laid me out

And nailed me in

Then set me 6 feet down

The oblong box

Both cold and dark

Became my fate unmourned

Yet here you are

In rage and pain

Am I to rise and speak?

I do not know

Nor yet do you

Or even if I can

Once premature

And now too late?

I would do what I can