Saturday, February 1, 2020

Cassandra and Me

A very important article which I don’t think will gather much attention. It should. So in the hope that at least one or two people may read it because I am posting this here as well as on Facebook:

I picked a few key excerpts from the article. Please read them, then please read the entire thing. Read it if you care about America’s children, America’s education system, or America’s future.

I do wonder however why no one seem to have looked at the foolish root of all these failures, the No Child Left Behind program, and identified it as the No Child Left Unharmed program back when it was a brand new idea.

Oh, that’s right! I called it that.  At the time it was created. Way back then. Or, to put it another way, “Why don’t nobody never listen to me??!!”

> The “reformers” relied on the business idea that disruption is a positive good. I call them “disruptors,” not reformers. Reformers have historically called for more funding, better trained teachers, desegregation, smaller class sizes. The disruptors, however, banked on a strategy of testing, competition, and punishment, which turned out to be ineffective and harmful.

...But every public school in the nation continues to be saddled with an expensive regime of annual standardized testing that is not found in any high-performing nation.

...Some charter schools get high test scores, but they usually get high scores by excluding students with disabilities and English learners or by high attrition rates.
Voucher studies in Louisiana, Ohio, Indiana, and the District of Columbia found that students in voucher schools actually lost ground compared to their peers in public schools. This is not surprising since some voucher schools have uncertified teachers and are free to teach a curriculum that mixes facts and religious stories.

...For almost twenty years, the Bush-Obama-Trump program of standardized testing, punitive accountability, and school choice has been the reform strategy. It has utterly failed. <

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