> ‘I’m covered in Jesus’ blood’: Defiant churchgoer tells CNN she can’t get sick because she’s Christian. <
Me: I again remind you all of the battle which helped turn the tide against the Crusaders in the Holy Land. They were sure that their bad leadership and bad strategy would be overcome by the fact that they carried a shard of the True Cross which would absolutely insure victory over the Muslim forces who slaughtered them.
Let us also remember the snake handler cult which apparently is still happening in some parts of rural southern America.
>Snake handlers do not worship snakes, instead using the snakes to show non-Christians that God protects them from harm. <
S: I wonder who told her she's covered in blood. I don't see it. Survival of the fittest, I guess.
Me: Well Christianity is based on human sacrifice. It is as much a blood religion as that of the Aztecs. The only difference is Christians only had to kill one person who had an infinite supply of blood for everyone bathe in. For anyone reading this who doesn’t know me, yes I am a Christian, just not that kind of Christian.
S: I think we drink his blood, not bathe in it. Or has that changed too?
Me: It’s a branch of Christianity that not all Christians are even aware of. But it’s been around quite a while.
Elisha Hoffman (1839-1929) took glorious inspiration from Revelation 7:14…
These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Reminds me of the cult of Mithras. Popular among Roman soldiers. It was a mystery cult so we don’t know all the details, but it is believed that a bull was sacrificed over a grating so that his blood would pour down on the new initiate. Washed in the blood of a bull.
S: Similar. In Exodus, the Jews put lamb's blood on their doors so their firstborn wouldn't be killed. Egyptians didn't and their firstborn were. Lambs were considered pure way back then. I wonder how far back that tradition goes. I searched Zoroaster and found nothing similar. Well, all I can say is Good luck to the churchgoer who is covered in Jesus' blood. She won't get sick but I hope she doesn't become a carrier and infect others.
Me: Susan. Just noted an interesting thing today. I earlier commented that a Black racial supremacist group is telling members of their community that they are immune from the virus so they don’t need to obey any restrictions. Today I bumped in a report that members of the Q anon White supremacist racial group are declaring that White people are immune from the virus so...
You know what I always say; when it comes to racial supremacists, Black or White, they all look alike to me.
S: It reminds me of what we used to say when we saw a drunk driver weaving down the road -"Well, I hope he only kills himself".
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