Thursday, May 11, 2023

Old Reform In New York

 Responding to report everything was going to be just fine in New York schools because they have adopted a phonics program that's going to solve all their problems.

And here we go again. A magic simple answer to a very complex question.

Some children do learn by phonics. Others do not. This is a simple reality. I was never any good at phonics but I went to preschool reading at a third grade level. 

Does this mean phonics isn't effective? No. It means phonics was not effective for me. Phonics was a mystery with which I struggled and with which I had difficulty, even while I was usually the best reader in my class. Other children depended very heavily upon phonics. 

It's about time that non-teachers started realizing that teachers know a thing or two about teaching. 

There are no simple answers. There are no magic answers. Every child learns in their own unique individual manner and we should be open to whatever methodology works for any particular student.

It is believed that this is a new start. But it isn't. It's the same old garbage. Everything few years a new magic cure is pushed upon the schools. If only everybody does exactly this one simple minded thing everything will certainly be better. It never is. It never works. I can only repeat a comment from Dr. Tye,  and that is that we keep reforming schools but never have any serious change in schools because we never change the deep structure of schools. We just make superficial changes and offer simplistic solutions to complicated issues.

>“This is the beginning of something new,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) said in the announcement of the new reading curriculum.<

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