Saturday, November 9, 2024

Virtue Or (Political) Death!

 On target once again Mr. Sanders. The Democratic Party does more virtue signaling and posturing for extreme positions than it does reaching out to America and trying to meet the needs of the average American. "Defund the police", "white privilege", and a host other self-destructive and incredibly alienating phrases (not to mention positions) frighten the majority of Americans, convincing them that the Democratic Party is doing its best to make the middle-class suffer so as to protect and coddle a minority of non-mainstream individuals.

 have said it before and I'll say it again, instead of referring to defunding police and taking away white privilege, the Democratic Party could have won a great deal of support by advocating for the increase of mental health services and ensuring that every American has their rights fully respected. 

In other words, the Democratic Party is becoming more and more a mirror image of the Republican Party. It pleases its extremist base as its first and foremost intent. If this keeps up the Democratic Party will become exactly the opposite of the Republican Party and aim only to please its base.

This actually helps the Republicans because they find it easy to convince the middle class the extremist interests of their wealthy and ultra religious base are shared with the average American. The wealthy elites are good at pandering to the peons they exploit. America's intellectual elites cannot succeed in this endeavor.

>“It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them,” Sanders wrote in a statement. “While the Democratic leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change. And they’re right.”<

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