Another Facebook conversation.
C: If Hillary Clinton were president we would not be in this place. We would have plenty of tests and things would have been handled properly by the Pandemic Response Team that Trump fired in 2018. Just saying.
P: What are you smoking??
Me: Reality.
C: Trump is in over his head! This crisis is his fault! He fired the Pandemic Response Team, waited weeks before responding, then said it was a hoax and try to blame the democrats. That the kind of leadership trumpsters have not problems with. That's why we are in this mess. Electing a 6 time bankrupt, reality TV personality, with not idea what the hell he is doing!
R (to P): Do you really want to embarrass yourself here? Stop it please
P: Talking about embarrassment...
is the best you have is Sleepy Joe...Hilary is going to jail..
Me: Is Gandalf going to put her there or will he leave that pleasure to Luke Skywalker?
C: Enjoy these next 8 months, because your Great Leader the orange baboon, won't be around after this year. Thank God! He is such embarrassment, only people who have their head in the sand think this morally bankrupt, draft dodger is anything but a joke! I'm watching him at this morning briefing, he is so embarrassing!
K (to P): I'm sorry that you've been duped into thinking our government's actions are for YOUR benefit. Especially our president. It's especially evident now, pouring money into an invisible market, when our people need comprehensive pandemic protocols, but instead get lies and false information that we're ok, when the world death toll is clearly rising exponentially. You seem like a nice, fun person, honestly, and I'm not trying to cut you down or start anything. Just please, try to remember that our government is supposed to work for US. Not that we're supposed to just assume that what theyre doing is for our benefit (it's not)
R (to P): it is obvious you need to stay in your trailer park. You are not able to navigate the world without getting on your knees to service drumpf. You can not comprehend a policy nuance to have a respectful conversation so get ready for abuse here when the best you can offer is the typical Fox News crap. We are about to enter one of the most difficult times in the country’s history and your pleasure is to troll people who have a different perspective than you. Why? Your pleasure? Go back to the hate filled world you most enjoy please.
Skip some comments here.
P: Good luck with'll be crying with Joe and
Me: %Tell me lies, tell me lies, those political lies...🎼. Watch a lot of Fox news?
You know what, let’s wait and see. Remember that when the Mueller report came out you were declaring loudly that thousands of Democrats were going to be instantly arrested, only none were, were they? I wonder if you’re a Q anon follower? Seems possible.
Have fun in your living nightmare fantasy world you’ve created for yourself.
R (to P):
Do you ever read the BBC, English versions world news, lectures at LCC , MSU, WSU, or UM? So far the entire world knows that drumpf is an idiot except the most radicalized Fox News zealots. I suggest you start preparing your homeboys for the blue wave. Moreover, Your home work is to analyze the record setting vote taking place now. Fox News has not told you what that implies. Life outside of the bubble is different.
P: Be sure to cash his check...enjoy.
M: If you seriously think Trump is sending us a check you need to look again. All Trump said us that he will not veto the bill which Congress is authorizing to pay us back some of our money. That’s spelled CONGRESS. It is not spelled TRUMP.
R: lol- the guy is. Russian troll or bot. I am certain that even the lowest IQ MAGMA lovers are embarrassed by his inability to articulate simple issues when questioned. He was amusing but isn’t time to silence him my brotha?
There’s more but I had to edit some out as it was such a long series of posts. It’s an interesting view of the two sides of the division in our country today. Maybe P is a Russian agent or maybe he is a bot. But I have heard Trumpsters that I know as actual, real, living people whom I have known for years saying exactly the same things. In fact some of them are saying even more radical and extreme things.
As I said in another post, it is very sad that there is no vaccine against cults.
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