Nearly 100 million eligible voters did not vote in the last presidential election! 100 million! No wonder democracy is dying in America. It is dying of neglect.
“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you." — Pericles, unconfirmed.
What he definitely did say:
“We do not say that a man who takes no interest in politics is a man who minds his own business; we say that he has no business here at all.”
(Pericles commenting the participation of Athenian citizens in politics, as quoted in Models of Democracy (2006) by David Held, Stanford University Press, p. 14. Book II, chapter 40.)
If you can’t bother to vote, either you don’t belong in America, or America no longer deserves to exist.
The American revolution was not anti taxes (according to none other than George Washington), it was a rebellion against being governed without representation. Many have died to protect that concept since the 1770s.The majority of potential American voters today are clearly declaring that those deaths were in vain and that the American Revolution was pointless.
Or to put it another way, “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” — John Stuart Mill, 1867.
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