> “The Murdochs, of course, own Fox News. So, they were taken personal steps to protect themselves, while anchors like Trish Regan and Sean Hannity were telling viewers that it's a hoax and putting themselves in potentially mortal danger. So I think this is a case where Fox's coverage, if it actually winds up being proved that people died because of it, this is a new terrain in terms of Fox being possibly held liable for their actions."<
The personnel and the management actually working at Fox News also knew they were maliciously lying. Managers actually instructed employees on how to protect themselves from the virus which they were busy telling viewers was a hoax.
> “Discovery will undoubtedly show that its personnel were putting out falsely comforting information it knew to be false and misleading in order to sync up with [White House] messaging.”<
But don’t get excited that Fox News deliberately spreading news that the pandemic was a hoax resulting in the deaths some of their trusting viewers will have real consequences for the notorious propaganda mill. Cases probably won’t actually reach the courts. Most legal experts think they’ll get away with it.
What about Fox News viewers? Well, the dead ones are dead so they won’t be watching anyway. And their families will probably find excuses to keep watching and believing Fox News anyway.
As the king James version of the Scriptures ought to say, “None are so dumb as those who will not think.” Or, as the New Jerusalem version ought to translate it, “None are so gullible as those who watch Fox News.”
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