Monday, March 29, 2021

The Great Wall Of Trump

 The logic of Trumpsters.

Being largely computer illiterate, I don’t know how to post the meme here, so I’ll just quote it. Imagine a rather unsavory character looking smug and this is printed on the photo:

Let me get this straight… A guy builds a wall to keep up keep everyone out…

Then another guy comes along and takes it down, then blames the first guy because everybody is coming in.

This meme  is circulating among Trump lovers. I have to admit they’re totally correct in this case. Trump is not responsible for anything he did while Biden is responsible for everything Trump did. How could anyone deny that? Obama was responsible for everything done by Bush, so it just naturally follows that personal responsibility for things Republicans do always falls on their Democratic successor.

It’s common sense.

And here are a few facts to prove the evil, wicked things Biden has done to destroy the great legacy of trumps wall:

>...only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before...< BBC Reality Check

The border is 1,954 miles long.

Thus, incredibly brilliant Trump secured our borders by building exactly 0.040941658137155th of the promised beautiful wall.

Also, Mexico has paid an amazing some of zero dollars in order to build this lengthy wall just as Trump promised.

And now that he’s president, Joe Biden has ripped down exactly 0.00000% of that amazingly effective wall, thus causing the current tsunami of immigrants.

And how great is that tsunami compared to Trump’s stunningly effective job of reducing the number of immigrants? Well, as ABC News reports at the same time last year Trump saw a mere 31% surge in apprehensions.

Under Biden this has swollen to an absolutely terrifying 28%.

Yes! That’s how horrible the surge is! It’s 3% smaller than the surge under Trump at the same time last year. What an increase!

No, I didn’t tell the poster this. There’s no point. When you speak to a fanatic true believer they’ll tell you that those are your opinions and  your opinions are no better than mine, so what does it matter? If you actually do some research and present the facts they tell you, wow you sure are desperate to prove your case, aren’t you? As if working hard to prove your case proves your case must be wrong. Oh! That’s right. Everything proves you wrong when you’re talking to a true believer.

{>There was a 28 percent surge in apprehensions at the southern border from January to February of this year, the most recent and complete data point from Customs and Border Protection (CBP)available right now. The Trump administration saw a 31 percent surge in migrant apprehensions from January to February 2019.< NBC News}

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