Monday, February 24, 2020

Herd Mentality

> To my great friend Prime Minister Modi - Thank you for this wonderful visit," wrote Trump and signed the message. <

Who is Trump’s  great friend?

He’s the head of a political party which, when it was founded, declared openly that  it greatly admired Adolf Hitler for his efforts to promote racial purity.  Of course the purity they meant is the Hindu ethnic, religious, and racial purity of India.

Currently his administration is refusing to knowledge the citizenship of anyone who is a Muslim. It doesn’t matter how long their families have lived in India, even if it’s been for hundreds of years.  If they’re Muslim they are not recognized to be Indian and therefore are assumed to be illegal aliens who may be immediately arrested and eventually deported.

Business insider reports that:
This month, India passed a sweeping law that creates a path for citizenship for religious minorities - except for Muslims.
  • Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party are experiencing a backlash beyond what they expected. Weekslong mass protests have led to 21 deaths in clashes with the police so far.
  • Analysts say India is tiring of Modi's autocratic style and failed economic policies.

No wonder Trump loves Modi so much. Modi seeks racial purity, spreads dissent throughout his nation, encourages violence which leaves his own citizens dead in the streets, is an autocrat, has failed economic policies, and seeks to strip citizenship from and imprison Muslims. Does any of this sound familiar?

Sunday, February 23, 2020


This article exemplifies a situation I find so often true when dealing with conservatives.  The criticism of left wing extremism is accurate and effective. Yet somehow the author doesn’t seem to notice that right wing extremists fit exactly the same pattern. In fact, it’s hard to even imagine this article applying to right wing radicals. It’s almost as if there is no such thing as right wing radicals.  Perhaps, in the mind of the author, there isn’t.

> The neuroscientist-cum-philosopher Sam Harris once remarked that “the true horror of religion” is that it “allows perfectly decent and sane people to believe by the billions what only lunatics could believe on their own.” And as Voltaire warned us, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Radical ideology has a similar effect—it inspires and justifies immoral actions. 
...As Mark Twain said, “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” <

And to a right wing radical, all radicals look left wing.

Scarecrow Needs Brains?

My friend made the following post that I made the following response.

C:  Dems are mad at Trump for “abusing” his pardon power.
Total Presidential pardons/sentence commutations: Carter: 566 Reagan: 406 H.W Bush: 77 Cigar Bill: 459 George W: 200 Obama: 1,927 Trump: 26 Please, by all means, educate me on abuse of power.

Me:  Yes it is abuse of power. You have set up a strawman and easily knocked him down. The argument was never about the president making pardons, isn’t that bad? The question is quite different.  No one criticizes him for making pardons. It’s the way he made the pardons and the reasons for those pardons.

How were his pardons different?  The process bypassed the formal procedures used by past presidents and was driven instead by friendship, fame, personal empathy and a shared sense of persecution. 

 Many of the pardons announced Tuesday were advocated by well-heeled friends of the president,

Here’s your education. The other presidents followed procedures including seeking recommendations and advice from the Justice Department before acting. Trump acted on the basis of money, power, and friendship. If that looks exactly the same to you as what the other presidents did there is no hope for educating you.

As the Scriptures ought to say: None are so blind as those who will not see; none are so deaf so those who will not hear; and none are so gullible as those who will not think.

Me:  Let me add some more thoughts.

Your argument is logically identical to the following. A man is arrested and sent to prison for driving drunk and killing three pedestrians in a hit-and-run accident as a result. You like him so you respond,  “Hey what about all those other people were driving? They were driving and even drove more miles than he did.  Why they are allowed to do it and he isn’t?”

The answer is that they weren’t drunk, didn’t kill anyone, and didn’t leave the scene of the accident.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The New Normal

  From a Facebook post from a friend.

C:  [The men and women who reportedly handcuffed small children and the elderly, separated a child from his mother and held others without food for 20 hours, are undoubtedly "ordinary" people. What I mean by that, is that these are, in normal circumstances, people who likely treat their neighbors and co-workers with kindness and do not intentionally seek to harm others. That is chilling, as it is a reminder that authoritarians have no trouble finding the people they need to carry out their acts of cruelty. They do not need special monsters; they can issue orders to otherwise unexceptional people who will carry them out dutifully.]

Slavery. Trail of Tears. Wounded Knee. Jim Crow laws. The KKK. The Chinese Exclusion Act. Japanese-American Internment. Segregation. Our history is full of examples of how deadly and racist we can become when White Supremacists are in charge. Now we have children being separated from their parents. Detained immigrants dying in our care. And a White Nationalist who would be king. We need to take back our country from White Nationalists. It's 2020 - Vote Blue!

Me:  A problem I have discussed quite often.  The problem of the so-called Good Germans.  The problem was discussed many times after World War II. How could good decent people do horrible, unspeakable, indecent things? How could Good Germans commit atrocities?  

There many answers. The most basic ones are fitting social expectations, obeying the law (even if the law itself is horrible and evil), just doing your job, trusting authority, and being afraid to be the one who stands up.

And then there  are true believers. Those who are convinced if their own moral righteousness, superiority, and the absolute unquestionable perfection of their beliefs. Always remember what was said by Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe AbsurditiesCan Make You Commit Atrocities”.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Mother Nature, Begone!

Makes one wonder just how radical radical feminists feel the need to be in order to keep their movement alive and well. I don’t regard “well” as the correct term now that I think about it. Alive and…Virulent?

As for me, I’m a humanist. I think all human beings male and female, should be allowed to reach their full potential. Yes, humanism was a term that was once applied almost exclusively to men. That was then.  This is now. 

Let’s re-define the term as it should have been understood in the first place.  Enough with this war between the sexes garbage. I didn’t like it when it was code for male dominance and I don’t like it now when whatever this bizarre extremism is on the most fringe outlying elements of the feminist movement is abusing the concept.  

As is the inevitable case with all utopians, this proposal suggests that magic will happen if we just blindly obey and follow the dictates of this individual. All women will automatically care for every child as if the child with her own and feel no special concern for her own offspring.  Billions of years of evolution will vanish!  Also, somehow everyone will have time to take care of every single child in the world.

Makes me think that Sophie Lewis graduated from Hogwarts with honors. She just waves her wand and says, “Mater majicus!  Familius eliminatus!”

This instantly makes the world perfect.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Offended? Sorry To Disappoint You, But No

From Facebook

S posted this from R:

I pledge allegiance to the flag
If United States of America
And to the republic for which it stands
One nation under God
With liberty and justice for all

...My generation grew up saying this every morning in school with my hand on my heart. They no longer do this for fear of offending someone.

Let’s see how many Americans will repost this and not care about offending someone!

E:  Don't  know what state you live in but it is required  by the education code in California. Check it out yourself.  Page 1386 article 2

S:  Arizona.

D:  "With liberty and justice for all" long as people are hearing, understanding and practicing the words that they are saying, I'm all for it.

M:  I just don't say the "under god" part.  I believe in separation of church and state.  I don't believe there is a "god", and I am fully aware that the addition of those two words were done during a particularly dark period in our nation's policies and politics during the las century.  They weren't in the original.

Me:  M,  I’m with you.  The whole controversial problem was easily solved back when it was a huge issue. Let those who believe they should say under God,  say under God and those who don’t believe they should say under God, not say under God. Problem not merely solved, problem ceases to exist. Don’t see why anyone was ever offended by this.

If the conversation continues, I’ll add anything worth repeating here in my blog comments.   I want to add that I find it interesting that the incredibly fragile, endlessly offended conservative Republicans are always accusing liberals and others who are not of their tribe of being offended all the time.  Odd, isn’t it?

I’m afraid I offend them by not being offended by them.  After all, I wouldn’t want to be offensive, especially not with someone who is so obsessed with offending other people.

Who’s Who?

An opinion piece made all the more powerful by the fact that the individual who wrote it states within that she feels more threatened by social justice warrior “defenders” on the left than by the bigots in the right.

I find it remarkably ironic, quite bitterly humorous, to note that while the left wing extremists and the right wing extremists each declare each other to be the very epitome of evil, threatening the very foundations of society, both agree on their most elemental position.  That is, there are only two sexes. The polarity is absolute.  

The only difference between the two positions is that the ultra conservatives insist that sexual identity is a state of biology which can be determined at birth, while the ultra liberals proclaim that it is a decision that can be made by an individual  at any point in their lifeline.

Weirdly, that means that both sides agree that there is no such thing as a transgender man or a transgender woman. There are only men. There are only women. There is nothing else.  An absolutism which makes some sense for the conservatives, but none at all for the liberals.

Anyone who cares to face the facts can see that biology is a real thing.  Anyone can also see that not everyone fits a strict biological separation into two rigid categories. There are male children who become male adults who identify emotionally and intellectually as women. There are female children will become female adults who identify emotionally and intellectually as men.  Is also clear that this is not an invariable absolute. There is wide variation and individuality along this line.

Why is it so impossible for either of the extremists to see this?  The answer is obvious.  They are true believers. Reality means nothing when it comes up against doctrine.

To make my position perfectly clear, let me state that Dr. Hayton is Doctor Hayton. I do not care what it said on the doctor’s birth certificate.  She identifies herself as a transgender male. This is what feels right to her. I have no problem with that.

It’s no one else’s business to tell her that she must be absolutely and completely either male or female; end of statement.  

Yet both sides make this declaration. According to the ultraconservatives there can be no such thing as a transgender man or woman because you are a man or woman at birth and that’s what you are forever and ever, amen.  According to the ultra liberals you are whatever you feel is right for you at any given moment in your life span but that choice is only between the two invariant states of man or woman. 

To repeat, both sides agree on this one critical point. There’s no such thing as a transgender man or a transgender woman.

Yet there are transgender men. Yet there are transgender women. What a sad state for these individuals. Despised and hated by Western society for decades, now they are finally beginning to find acceptance only have their “allies” telling them they don’t even exist!

Is reality so hateful, so distasteful, that we must continually deny it? The answer is that for the extremists, yes, it is.

We don’t need rigid absolutes in a flexible world full of subtleties and variation.  We need understanding. If we can’t have understanding, then we at least need tolerance.

The concepts I have stated here will profoundly offend both extremes, but from where I stand, there’s very little difference between the two of them. A sense of smug superiority, a conviction of absolute righteousness, topped with a true believer’s conviction that they cannot be wrong and so we don't need no stinking facts apply to both.

As for me, transgender men and transgender women…you exist. I have no problem with that. I have no problem with you.

We're All Mad Here.

Did it again! Copied all these quotes from an article a few days ago, got ready to post it, and then forgot to do so. I also forgot to save the link to the article. There are so many articles about crazy Q anon followers, I couldn’t relocate it.  If anyone can figure it out, please let me know so I can add the link. I did in my search for the original find one other quote which I have included as the last quote here. It does come from a separate article (

My intended post, sans original link:

Q anon is growing more and more dangerous. Here are a few of the “noble” and “patriotic” actions taken by these “saviors of our nation”.  Let me adapt a well-known phrase and declare that democracy dies in shrieks of insanity.

> “I do believe there is a group in Brussels, Belgium, that do eat aborted babies.” 

“It’s more of a cult than other conspiracy theories,” said Joseph Uscinski, a political-science professor at the University of Miami who studies fringe beliefs. 

“My friends think I’m crazy,” Mr. Formanek said. “I mean, the proofs are just undeniable.”*

..was suspended from the platform in November after suggesting that the Democratic incumbent, Ilhan Omar, be hanged for treason. ... “The decision to side with Twitter regarding my suspension for advocating for the enforcement of federal code proves that The New York Times and Twitter will always side with and fight to protect terrorists, traitors, pedophiles and rapists.”

... Matthew Wright, armed himself with an AR-15-style rifle, a handgun and extra ammunition, and drove an armored truck onto a bridge near the Hoover Dam in June 2018. There, he engaged in a 90-minute standoff with police officers while demanding the release of an inspector general’s report on the government investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email practices.

... , Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer, 39, was arrested in July 2018 after occupying a tower at a cement plant that he insisted was sheltering a child-sex-trafficking ring. 

Timothy Larson, 41, was accused in September of taking a crowbar to the altar inside the Chapel of the Holy Cross in Sedona, while yelling about the Catholic Church and sex trafficking. 

... Cynthia Abcug, 50, with conspiring with fellow QAnon believers to kidnap one of her children, who had been removed from her custody. Ms. Abcug believed her child was being held by Satan worshipers and pedophiles...

Anthony Comello, 25, said in a New York City court in December that his belief in QAnon had led him to murder a mob boss.

“All these people believe me! I'm not crazy here!” Chrisy shouted.”<

 The last statement was made upon entering a Trump rally.  Sorry Chrisy, but just because you’re in an insane asylum surrounded by other mentally ill patients, doesn’t mean you are no longer crazy.

*Yes, Mr. Formanek , the proofs that you are crazy are undeniable.

Duty, Honor, Country

My very brief comment on an extremely important editorial.

A powerful declaration of loyalty and duty.  In a time when Trump supporters are calling for a military overthrow of the United States and military tribunals to mass convict political enemies, this is a critical read for all Americans. I do disagree with the author on a few points, but especially on this one:

> But with the benefit of hindsight, though I still find the torture memo appalling, I can at least acknowledge that the Bush administration cared enough about the law to offer the pretense of legality. <

Yes, I do wish you had been trained a little more in both the Constitution and the history of governments that do evil. Both Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany cared enough about the law to offer the pretense of the legality for all of their atrocities and mass murders. The question becomes, did they really care about the law or do they just want to cover their crimes against humanity with a pretense of legality?

Monday, February 10, 2020

Death Watch?

An intriguing article. What the author fails to see in her otherwise intelligent criticism is that her much beloved Reagan/Thatcher combination inevitably lead to exactly what she is condemning now. She believes they were wonderful and what is happening to conservatism today is a betrayal of their ideals. But even when Ronald Reagan was sitting in the White House, I could see that those ideals were going to lead to exactly this sort of situation. Perhaps Thatcher and Reagan would indeed condemn what is happening today, but they cleared and plowed the field upon which it has flourished. 

Two excerpts:

>National conservatives cannot simultaneously be helpless victims of a totalitarian culture and also hold enormous political power, which some of them plainly do.<

Of course they can! Double think may be a term created in the novel 1984, but it’s been with humanity as long as there have been humans and possibly before we even fully evolved as a species.  Always remember that even the very exemplar of extreme evil to the vast majority of humans, Hitler and the Nazis, insisted they were saving their nation.  Those horrible liberals, communists, and leftist elites with their Jewish science had to be destroyed to protect freedom.  It wasn’t just propaganda. Any true believer Nazi knew that he was a savior not only of Germany, but of the entire human race.  The radical right wing nationalist conservatives of current American politics are determined to save democracy by declaring a military dictatorship, having military trials for all important Democratic Party leaders, and locking members of the opposing party up in Guantánamo Bay. Yes, they actually say this. Just Google Q anon to see how they intend to save democracy by having a military overthrow of the government of the United States, establishing Donald Trump as president for life, and using martial law to send all their political enemies to concentration camps.  


>The world inhabited by Reagan and John Paul II is long past, and no one knows how they would react to so-called cancel culture and Twitter mobs, or the backlash against Western culture on American (but not Hungarian) college campuses, or some of the uglier strains of far-left thinking. But somehow I doubt their response would be the creation of a new, kleptocratic authoritarian right that chips away at the institutions preserving democracy. Nor do I believe they would have wanted to destroy the institutions that have long undergirded the West, as so many of these new “nationalists” want to do.<

Once again using the extreme example of the rise of the Third Reich, remember that the Nazis were contributors to the success of preventing the Communist Party from seizing control of Germany, a great dream of Stalin.  However the answer to one level of extremism is not its opposite. What is necessary is balance.

Imagine a teeter totter. On one end sits a small child trying to have some fun, while on the other end sits a cartoon weight labelled “ten tons”.  To bring things back into balance and restore fun, you might think, let’s take the small child off the teeter totter and put another 10 ton block on that end.  

This would fail for two reasons. One is simply that the child is no longer on the teeter totter even trying to have fun! The second is that this will not result in a balanced teeter totter. It would invariably result in a teeter totter with both extreme ends firmly sitting on the ground and with the center of the teeter totter snapped in two by the excessive weight.

The answer to extremism is not mirror opposite extremism. The answer to extremism is moderation.  Instead of adding more weight to the other side of the teeter totter, let’s remove all of the excess weight. Let’s put another child about the same size and weight as the first one on the opposing seat. Result? Balance! Result? Fun.

So far I think the author would agree with this comment, yet, once again, she is ignoring the simple reality that the right wing extreme of today is not really a betrayal of the golden age conservatism she so fondly recalls.  However well-intentioned it was, it was obvious to me, and I suppose to at least a few others, that by turning America into the general direction of extremism we were making a change of course with ever increasing consequences as the decades accumulated.  A very small change in initial angle can result in massive change developing over time.  For more detail on this, refer to the butterfly effect and chaos theory.

Democracy in America is crumbling. I have literally spent decades referring to America as a failing democracy; as an oligarchic kleptocracy.  As time has gone on, I have been proven more and more correct as we continue to sail further and further off course.  I do not regard America as a functioning democracy.  I cannot say the democracy is alive and well in America. Instead I must sadly say that democracy is alive and on life-support in America.

There is a point upon which I have never heard anyone else comment and which I think is absolutely critical and yet another sign which I see as part of the effort to put an end to the great experiment begun in 1776.  I may be seeing something that isn’t there, but I remind you that when I saw the religious fanaticism of a tiny minority of the ultra religious threatening to seize power in America forty years ago, many thought I was being foolish, yet the decades have proven me to be correct. (Think I am exaggerating? Do some googling. All around America state legislatures are attempting to ban elements of science that don’t match their religion from the classroom. They are attempting to teach their religious doctrines as  science.  Preachers openly declare that the Constitution is not the supreme law of the land, instead it is the Bible,  and that the Constitution is  null and void if it contradicts their interpretation of Scripture.)

And what is this point I find so threatening and dangerous?  If you follow politics at all you will have heard in recent years conservatives defending the erosion of democracy by declaring that America was never intended to be a democracy.  We are are republic, they say, not a democracy. This is the equivalent of saying I don’t own a car, I own a Ford Mustang.  It is true that America is not a pure democracy, but it is also true that the Founding Fathers were very clear that what they were creating was not simply a republic but a democratic republic.   One could also call it a republican democracy.  In other words, there are many kinds of democracy. If we are not the most extreme possible form, a pure democracy, that does not mean we are not a democracy. You will see you again and again that extremists insist that if you live on earth you have two choices.  You must occupy the North Pole or the South Pole. They pick these two tiny extremes and ignore the vast majority of the planet which lies between them.

So what’s the danger of this seemingly simple misunderstanding by conservatives? It is insidious because it attacks the very concept that we are a democracy. The people saying it generally do not realize the danger in their words.  They think they are being clever while actually they are exemplars of the Dunning-Kruger effect.  They do not see that if we are not a democracy but a republic, it follows that the leaders of the republic get to make the decisions, not the people.  It’s not those who repeat this nonsensical meme who intend harm, it is those who originated it and spread it. They wish to create an attitude among significant proportion of Americans that democracy is not really a thing. At least not in America. Who needs democracy? We’ve got a republic.

I hope I don’t need to expound any further on this point to make the dangers of this position clear.  The right wing makers of public opinion play the long game. They plant seeds today which may not be a fruit for decades. No, I’m not a conspiracy theorist. The right wing extremists have made their plans to seize control of America with complete candor and openness.  It goes back to Newt Gingrich. It goes back to the open declaration by the Republican Party that their long term goal is to make themselves a “permanent majority party”. That translates as one party rule.

So how much danger are we in?  Let me again note that forty years ago I was right. Democracy was being put in serious danger by the way conservatism had veered toward radicalism.  Yes, I was right about that. 

I also said at the time that inevitably this movement would fail because, if nothing else, simple demographics would wipe it out. The White majority will become just another minority, the largest minority, to be sure, but nevertheless a minority.  Also, the young people are much more open minded, less frightened, less willing to be blinded by fear and panicked into hatred.  The extremists will lose power, I said.  The only question was how much damage they would do before they finally did so. On this point, I was only half right. I knew they would do a lot of damage. I had no idea they could do this much damage. I never would have predicted this.  If fact, I don’t think I can justly claim to be even half right on this point, I think I have to say on this one, I was wrong.

Nevertheless, I still believe that democracy in America will survive and recover from its time in intensive care.  My generation has cleaned up the mess left to us by our parents, to some extent. In the process we have created a mess for the next generation. In defense of we Boomers, I can only say:

We didn’t start the fire. 
It’s been always burning 
Since the worlds been turning.

On the other hand, while we put out some parts of the fire, we set some new areas ablaze.

Not all of us from my time have joined the mob in flocking to Fox News and other right wing propaganda machines.  Not all of us are frightened of immigrants,or change, or young people.  I have fought the good fight.  Like a certain boxer, I carry:

...the reminders
Of every glove that laid him down or cut him
'Til he cried out in his anger and his shame
"I am leaving, I am leaving", but the fighter still remains

I haven’t given up. I’ll keep on fighting.  I care too much not to, but I am old and battered and not so very well.  Instead of passing the torch, I’ll ask others to join in accomplishing the mission.

Let me end with a message to my children, my grandchildren, and my great grandchildren. Let this be your cry:

We’re coming to the edge,
Running on the water,
Coming through the fog,
Your sons and daughters.

Let the river run,
Let all the dreamers
Wake the nation.
Come, the New Jerusalem.

(Oh...and please hurry!)

Thursday, February 6, 2020

I Hate You For Not Hating The People I Hate!

Politics are hot tonight! Another really interesting exchange from Facebook repeated here.

Me:  Rush Limbaugh is a truly despicable man. Exemplary of all that is wrong with America today. Racism, bigotry, lies, deceit, vulgar crudity, it’s a long list. He is himself a malignant tumor on our national soul, but no one should celebrate the fact that the man has cancer.

Although a repugnant and disgusting example of humanity, he remains a human being.

R:  This is not even a big surprise, this is just the average low life that is the Democratic Party, they lost an election because they did not have an electable candidate, they continue to lose at every turn and they can’t stand it they’re vicious vile bottom feeding lowlifes!

Me:  Actually those low lifes won the election by a considerable margin.   Only the corrupt, deal with the devil, electoral college (which was created to protect the power of the slavers) gave this wretch of a man authority.
But it is hard for Democrats to win elections when Republicans are busy purging voter rolls, and otherwise rigging elections so that they can have what they have desired since the days of Ronald Reagan, openly desired I might add, that is to say a permanent majority. I don’t like Democrats. But at least they are not trying to destroy democracy in America.
The Republicans, on the other hand have already largely succeeded in bringing an end of the experiment the Founding Fathers began. The only question now is, can we take democracy back or is it too late.

R:  Jimmy, oh Lord one of those...

Me:  Yes Randy we are those people.  People who believe in reality. People who believe Christ meant what he taught. People who prefer reality to your nasty, hate filled fantasy world.  People who know history.  People who know facts. People who refuse to hate. We won’t even hate people like you.

L:  and I agree TOTALLY with Jim! I am ONE OF THOSE!! LOL

B:  Half the country are "vicious, bottom-feeding lowlifes" but Jim is "one of those." Not sure who this fella is but my guess is he extols the Bible while epitomizing Matthew 7:3-5. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so grave.

R.E. S. P. E. C. T

Interesting set of exchanges from Facebook.

M:  I don’t care what party you’re from...DO NOT sit behind a President and shuffle papers while he describes how a young woman was brutalized, tortured and murdered at the hands of a terrorist. DO NOT sit behind and shuffle papers while the story is told of the ultimate sacrifice given by a young military man, while his wife and young son look on. The families of these people who gave their lives were sitting in the gallery and there are literally Congress-people NOT STANDING in honor of them. I am disgusted. I want to throw up. It is not about YOU!  It is NOT about party politics. It is about young people, humanitarians and military, and the daily sacrifices they suffer. I never get involved in politics on social media and don’t plan to start. I always watch my language on social media but tonight I have this to say...GET OFF YOUR POMPOUS ASSES AND STAND in HONOR of ANYONE who serves in any capacity. No matter whether you like the man standing at the podium or not.  Do not propose to serve your country in elected office if you can’t, AT A MINIMUM stand in honor of those who serve. Shame on all of you. Shame on all who have made divisiveness what it is today. And that goes out to ANY party member who furthers this nonsense. But mostly it goes to anyone who is so eaten up with hatred that they cannot honor those who do what not many choose to do. #IamoverthisBS

Me:  Yes let’s honor those who serve like Trump when he insulted, yes, attacked a gold star family. Yes like taking money from the military to build his silly wall. Yes like attacking John McCain, a war hero, and smearing and slandering him as well. Yeah what respect this guy shows to the military!

N:  He does not know the meaning of the word respect

SF:  The paper was the copy of his speech he handed to her when he refused to shake her hand. To follow the speech she had to turn the pages.

D:  I have to been taught to treat others as I would like to be treated. Don’t believe I  need to say anymore as I wish to be treated with respect. .

Me:  You don’t hold Trump to that standard. OK she tore up the papers to show contempt for his posturing. But this is the man who says he grabs women by the pussy, stalks married women to seduce them, insults...well you know all the things he does. Is there no limit to whi should be treated with respect? Should we treat a rapist with a great deal of respect? How about a Nazi who screaming about how he wants to murder all the Jews? Respecting a person for their humanity is different from respecting the way a person behaves and conducts himself. It’s like tolerance. Tolerance doesn’t mean you tolerate everything and anything. There are limits.