Thursday, April 16, 2020

If Thine Eye Offends Me, Pluck It Out!

The male gaze is inherently evil?  No man should ever be allowed to gaze at females?  Seriously?

This is feminism as a mental illness.  There are so many branches of feminism today it’s easy to lump them all together by picking one particularly particular distasteful version and imagining every subgroup is like that.  They aren’t.

There are feminist movements of which I entirely approve. There are those I find extreme. There are those I find repugnant.

This particular example is repugnant. Porn is any representation of the beauty of the female body? I take it these extremists believe that all women should have uglification surgery unless they’re lucky enough to be born horribly disfigured.  It seems you can give them no greater compliment then, “I have absolutely no sexual interest in you whatsoever. The very idea fills me with disgust.”

No, a woman should not be treated as a sex object.  However, beautiful things are beautiful. This includes beautiful human bodies, male or female.  Sexual attraction is 100% absolutely normal and healthy. It is how many species, including those which came long before Hominins, experience stimulation in order to reproduce.

Feminism? I have no problem with the general concept. Anti-sex movements?  Anti-eroticism movements?  Anti-beauty movements?

I find those very ugly indeed.

Male hating and male bashing not withstanding, we do not need a new set of Byzantine iconoclasts destroying art that they find unacceptable. We do not need ISIS destroying art that they find sacrilegious.  We do not need a group of female Savonarolas burning the Renaissance art that they consider to be full of vanities.

Barbarians have always done a good job of destroying beautiful things. Things aren’t any different now just because some of the barbarians are calling themselves feminists.  New excuse?  No.  The excuse is always the same. We are pure. This is evil. This is bad. We are saving the world. Aren’t we wonderful?

No. You are not wonderful. You are uncivilized, bigoted barbarians.

Worse, you display all the brain power of an actual Barbie. You put on the clothes, the uniforms, all the accoutrements of being intelligent, free, and capable; but in the end you are hollow headed plastic dolls playing out the roles assigned to you.

Permit me to end with a word of comfort for all who support this corruption of the human intellect.  Even if you were cursed by being born with an attractive body, even a beautiful one, I still find you utterly repugnant. I have no desire to gaze upon you.

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