Saturday, April 4, 2020

Told You so!

As sometimes happens I did not copy the link to the article in question. However as brief as it is I think the post is worth making anyway. Essentially the article was noting that extreme gun rights advocates believe that the rush on purchasing weapons is vindication that they were right all along and now everyone is aware of it.

Gun nuts are rejoicing! It seems the entire population of America has turned into gun nuts! Or have we?

>“People are waking up, saying, ‘Wait a minute, what do you mean I need a gun?’ All of a sudden they're realizing that this affects them.”<

Actually, I don’t believe we are. Sorry to disappoint, you but most of us are not panic stricken, terrified little children afraid of the boogie man like you.  We are panic stricken, terrified little children afraid of not having enough toilet paper.  I’d be very surprised if the vast majority of people buying guns in a panic are not people who already have a full hoard of weaponry.

I’m not the only one taking this position.  >Rob Morse agrees. “I think in six months, we'll be able to buy a lot of secondhand guns cheap.”<

Also, I expect people will probably be giving away toilet paper because they would like to put the car back in the garage.

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