Sunday, October 3, 2021

Label Mania

Facebook just told me I didn’t read this article, which I did. I don’t know why it thinks I didn’t. I guess they’re trying to do things right; but they are trying to do  it in a very wrong way.  To put it in other words, computers are stupid and we are forcing them to rule our lives.

Back to the point. 

> "This is what reparations look like," said Bradford, insisting that the county is not giving anything to the Bruce family, yet simply returning their stolen property.<

  This is why I am so offended by the concept of reparations. Everybody means something different by the word. I’m against reparations in the sense of paying reparations as were paid to the victims of internment during World War II.  They deserved reparations because they were the ones who actually suffered. I strongly support the current return of property which had been stolen from these individuals. It was actually taken away from owners improperly and has now been returned to the heirs and assigns thereof.

I don’t call that reparations. I call  call that justice. I call that human rights.

Thankfully, when I read articles which actually specify what individuals mean by the term “reparations”, they almost always end up being basic human rights. So I support most of what people are asking for as “reparations” I’m just not foolish enough to call them reparations.

Most of what has been declared to be white privilege has also been mislabeled. Most of them are not privileges which can be granted or taken away. Most of them are human rights. Those rights have been denied to non-whites but that doesn’t make them a white privilege. It makes them human rights that have been denied.

This is one of the greatest flaws of the left’s positions. Mislabeling concepts makes it easier to criticize them. Label ideas correctly and they are less offensive and more accurate. Both are advantages which should not be thrown away with silly, even stupid misuse of language in order to make some sort of emotional points or gain some sort of emotional advantage in the minds of the language abusers.

What’s more important? Making a stand and flying the flag of your superiority, or winning the battle?

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