Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Holy Toenails, Batman



It seems that Christians (some of them even in the form of lawsuits) are protesting the requirement to wear masks “because God created us in His image, we are masking that image.”

As the article points out, this will only make sense, ‘When these conservative Christians start mandating nudity, then they might have a claim about not covering up what God has created.’

Maybe these people would accept masks if they were in the shape of fig leaves?

In one particularly interesting case:

> Last year, a Republican legislator in Ohio refused to wear a mask, arguing in a Facebook post that the U.S. was founded on “Judeo-Christian Principles” that include “we are all created in the image and likeness of God.”<

So now we know that God has a face. We are made in the image of God, we have faces, therefore He has a face. Basic logic.

This leads in inevitable conclusion that He has some other parts that I don’t think Christians are entirely comfortable with discussing. Especially when you think of those particular bits and pieces being part of God.

Also, does that mean men or women are created the image of God? Because (surprise Christians!) they are not exactly alike.  Trying to get a picture of God where He has all the appropriate parts to make both males and females and His image gets a bit disturbing.

(Just in case you’re not getting the picture completely, I’m referring to that which Brits often refer to as the “naughty bits”.  I just have a hard time thinking that Christians would be really upset to find out that God had, let’s say, toenails.  Though I suppose nasal hairs might also be a bit troubling in their own peculiar way.)

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