Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hard News

I use Facebook to keep in touch with the world. Thanks to Facebook and my iPad, I'm not a complete hermit. I usually stick with political posts, scientific posts, and an occasional spot of humor. However, sometimes I do use it for more serious issues, as when I asked for support and prayers for my son-in-law, then just diagnosed with cancer.

It's been a very long and very brutal fight. No point in going into details, but even for cancer patients it's been an unusually bad run. Anyone who has been through it knows the ups and the downs which come and go. I didn't feel the need to share those.

I do thank you for your spiritual and emotional support but I must tell you the news that was delivered yesterday. The doctors believe that Ed has no more than six months to live. Again, no point going into lengthy detail. It's just that it's a hard time for me and my family right now.

Normal family interactions notwithstanding, no one ever felt anything for Ed but love and respect.

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