Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This speaks for itself

What I said, as best as I can reconstruct it:

The vampire bat which had a bad hunting night and may starve to death, will beg a meal from his fellows. This is generally granted. However, the bat which consistently begs meals but never reciprocates finds that he can no longer depend upon the safety net.  The reciprocity he depends upon very quickly is cut off by the others because he's not being fair.  He, then, goes back to hunting or he starves.

There are also cases among primates, even monkeys. I recall a certain species, sorry can't remember the name, in which reciprocity is displayed.  So I disagree that it is clear in humans but not in animals. 

What Dragon and auto spell check made of it:

The vampire bachelor is a bad hunting night and may starve to death Begues food from the spells it is generally granted. However, the bathroom becomes lazy and stop talking and never reciprocates, Thies reciprocity is pierced form, very quickly is cut off by the others because he's not being fair. Any other gets back to hunting or he stars. There also cases among primates, even monkeys. In my give a certain species, sorry can't remember " reciprocity is clearing humans but not an animals. 

I know what's going on.  Microsoft has planted moles into Apple.  They created auto spell check and refuse to allow it to be turned off in order to destroy Apple"s reputation. It's working!

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